Gardette wishes you a Great New year filled with prosperity, joy, and contentment!
During the holidays, Gardette's sales department remains open for inquiries and orders. You can contact us on the following email:
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or by calling us on the +33 4 69 17 83 14.
However, the standard products which are in stock will still be delivered worldwide.
If you are looking for a nice gift for your maintenance, don't hesitate to check our kits and boxes here .
As usually, Gardette Group will be participating in the Fastener Fair, except that it will be taking place in Paris since this will be its first French edition!
Our team will be pleased and honoured to meet you at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles for two days rich in business and innovation .
We will be waiting for you at the booth number 736 to discuss our upcoming projects.
Register online ahead of the event in order to get a free-entry visitor badge.
As you might know, it is summer time in France, holidays season is here J
Although, our sales department remains open for inquiries and order, you can contact us as usual at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. and by phone +33 4 69 17 83 14.
Moreover, the standard stored products could be delivered worldwide during the production closure from week 31 to 33 included (August).
Our kits and boxes (keys, pins, key bars) are available, what a good idea for your maintenance!
Contact us for any inquiry!